
Showing posts from January, 2023

Blog Post

 1/23/23 Substitute 1/24/23 Today we learned about arguments. We learned that there are three different elements to an argument. We learned about the rhetoric triangle and logos ( which is based on logic), ethos (which is the believability of the speaker), and pathos (which is evidence designed to stir emotions). We also learned the three types of claims. 1/25/23

Blog Post

 1/13/23 I learned how to do the process of elimination and figuring out what the best answers are when taking a multiple choice test.

The Last 3 Minutes

 I think the purpose of life is to live a fulfilled and happy life. In the film he seemed happy in the early years of his life, had a good family, and got married he seemed happy and fulfilled with no regrets. Later in his life, earlier in the film he goes to war and starts drinking, because of the drinking his wife leaves him. Now, that he is older, he is a janitor and has a heart attack and as his life is flashing before his eyes it seems he regrets causing his wife to leave him when they were about to start a family. The purpose of life is to live to the fullest with no regrets. The purpose of life is to grow up and have a family that can carry on your memories and spirit and live out the rest of your days peacefully until it's time for you to go. Life is about cherishing the people you love and making beautiful memories.

The Best Advice

 The best advice that my mother has given me is to just do the work early and get it out of the way. She told me this because I kept turning my work in at the last minute. I didn't follow the advice. I'm now in eleventh grade and I still skate by. I wish I had listened to her but I'm lazy. I know doing my work early is the logical choice but I suck at focusing. I thank my mom for giving me that advice.

The Elevator Short Film Response

  I thought the film was a bit goofy. I don’t have any particular likes or dislikes about the film. The 1st theme was don’t judge a book by its cover . The 2nd theme was, know your surroundings.